Tag Archives: The First

The first Stoke-on-Trent Social Media Surgery

The first Stoke-on-Trent Social Media Surgery will take place on Monday 26th April, between 6 and 9 at the Greyhound in Penkhull. Both volunteer ‘surgeons’ and newcomers are very welcome and the pub has wifi.

This is an opportunity for anybody to come and find out how they can use free web tools to build websites, find out more about what’s happening in your areas of interest and connect with other people. There’s no lectures, just a chance to sit down with a surgeon and look at tools that can help you do what you want to do.

The Social Media Surgeries are particularly aimed at charities and community groups to help them use online tools without needing to rely on grant funding. As it will be immediately before an election, we also welcome any council or parliamentary candidates who are interested in all this talk of the digital election and want to see it in action or find out how they will be able to use the web to talk to people in their ward or constituents.

There’s more information here and we look forward to seeing you on the 26th!

The Greyhound, Manor Court Street, Penkhull, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire  ST4 5DW
Tel. 01782 414 454