Stoke-on-Trent Social Media Surgery on Wed 1 Sep

Stoke-on-Trent Social Media Surgery on Wed 1 Sep.

Stoke-on-Trent Social Media Surgery on Mon 9 Aug

Our second SOTSMS has been booked, click here Stoke-on-Trent Social Media Surgery on Mon 9 Aug for more details.

If you can’t be bothered to click, then the short version is, we’ll be at Shop-Stoke on Monday 9 August between 1900 & 2200. Shop-Stoke is on Church St in Stoke Town next to the entrance to Spode and looks a little like this

Well we did one

and as ever, being the unorganised raggle taggle bunch we are, we all ran off in different directions with arms flailing, to start to do other things.

Now we want to arrange the next Stoke-on-Trent Social Media Surgery.

The last SMS at the Greyhound in Penkhull was a huge success and we even had cake! To help us arrange the next one, we are asking you when and where in stoke-on-Trent you would like to see it. What nights suit you? Where would you like to go?

Leave your comments below.

The first surgery

Thank you to everyone who came to the first surgery at the Greyhound pub in Penkhull SOT. We hope everyone found the occasion helpful and friendly.

I met a hard working chap who has managed to build a decent first website making the use of very limited time with 2 jobs and a family to look after.

We spoke about many areas including making the most out of the first few seconds when a visitor lands on your website, using regular blog posts instead of just static pages to create a sense of the energy that was generated in the business. We looked at the possibilities of creating alerts and automated searches to listen in to social media conversations surrounding the field of work.

We also looked at email marketing, using video blogs and making the most out of the facebook page that currently exists for the business.

The main gist was focused on increasing the ‘household name’ associated with the company by engaging people through social media in the area.

The first Stoke-on-Trent Social Media Surgery

The first Stoke-on-Trent Social Media Surgery will take place on Monday 26th April, between 6 and 9 at the Greyhound in Penkhull. Both volunteer ‘surgeons’ and newcomers are very welcome and the pub has wifi.

This is an opportunity for anybody to come and find out how they can use free web tools to build websites, find out more about what’s happening in your areas of interest and connect with other people. There’s no lectures, just a chance to sit down with a surgeon and look at tools that can help you do what you want to do.

The Social Media Surgeries are particularly aimed at charities and community groups to help them use online tools without needing to rely on grant funding. As it will be immediately before an election, we also welcome any council or parliamentary candidates who are interested in all this talk of the digital election and want to see it in action or find out how they will be able to use the web to talk to people in their ward or constituents.

There’s more information here and we look forward to seeing you on the 26th!

The Greyhound, Manor Court Street, Penkhull, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire  ST4 5DW
Tel. 01782 414 454

Hello from me

Hello from me!

Over the next few weeks there will be a few of us avid bloggers, social media users, techno lovers and geeks adding our profiles to this web blog. We hope to organise regular meetings (preferably involving either coffee, beer and home made cakes) and to offer help to anyone wishing to start a blog, website or any web related activity or just to share ideas along the way.

Please join our merry crew and pop along to the surgeries, especially if you make nice cake.

We look forward to making a difference through social media!

Look out for more details from the rest of the crew!


Hello Stoke-on-Trent!

Social Media Surgeries and Cafes coming to a place near you soon!